
Children Stories


Md. Nomaan Sarker

Translated by Nuren Noorain

It’s a sunny day. Everyone is playing in the playground. Albert is sitting in a corner. All his friends were playing baseball. But he wasn’t.

The excitement and celebrations of the audiences of two teams were all over the ground. But that wasn’t making any difference to him. Afternoon passed by. The match ended. Everyone left the ground. But Albert didn’t. He was still sitting there.

Evening faded. His elder sister Daisy was looking for him. On her way she met Albert’s friend, Jake. He said that Albert was sitting in playground all alone and didn’t even talk anyone. When his sister asked the reason, he replied that Albert didn’t get good marks in the exam. That’s why he was upset since morning.

Daisy went there and saw Albert sitting in a corner of the playground. She asked him, ‘Hey, what are you doing here? Don’t wanna go home?’’

Albert looked back and saw Daisy standing there. He said,’ Yeah, let’s go.’

His face is gloomy. They headed for home. There was an uncomfortable silence between them.

`You’re really upset Albert, aren’t you?’

Albert looked at Daisy. Daisy had started college that year. There was a lot of change in her . All of a sudden she started to act like a mature. She kinda talks like mom.

Daisy seems like a stranger. Once Albert thought that some evil spirit got in to her.

Moreover she had started wearing glasses. Just for style of course. But it made her look like an old hag.

“Albert! Why are you so quiet? Mum said that you didn’t even have lunch. Let me buy you a burger. You know what, there is an amazing fast food shop near.

I am not hungry.

She stopped. Albert, just because you didn’t do well in the exam that doesn’t mean you’ll act like this. You haven’t eaten anything since morning. Now if you fall sick, whose loss is this. Yours or mine?

He’s just standing like a numb.

Written by Nomaan Sarker

(Translated by Nuren Noorain)

Long ago there was a fox namely Fred. He lived in a forest near the southern river.

One day, he went out looking for food. He walked for long. He was very tired and thirsty. He went near the river to drink water. When he reached there, he saw some crocodiles were having sun bath. He got terrified as he needed to pass them to drink water. He started to look for a way to drink water by avoiding them.

All of a sudden one of crocodiles saw the fox and said, ‘Hey, Fred! Long time no see. How are you doing?’

All the other crocodiles looked at him and gave a devilish smile.

Fred said, ‘Well, I am doing great.’

The oldest crocodile said, ‘You seem really thirsty. Come and drink some water.’

He remembered his father’s saying, ‘Never trust the one who is hungry cause they can do anything to remove their hunger.’

Fred stepped back. Another crocodile said, ‘We’re just having sun bath. What are you afraid of?’

The youngest crocodile said, ‘There is nothing to be afraid of. We are friends ,right?’

He said, ‘I am not afraid; not at all. I was just passing by. So, I thought of giving  you a news.’

‘News? What news?’ said one of the crocodiles.

Fred said, ‘I saw some bears catching fishes from the canal near by. How gigantic the fishes were! And just look at you! You are sitting here in hope of an animal. That’s sad!’

Fred again said, ‘I’m loving to see you taking sun bath. Let me join you too.’ Saying this he lied on the land.

The crocodiles said, ‘Won’t you drink water then?’

‘No, I didn’t come here to drink water. I just wanted to give you the news. That’s it.’

The crocodiles thought that how great the fox was! ‘No one told us about the fishes  except for him. He thinks so much for us.’

Fred saw that one by one the crocodiles were getting back into the water.

Seeing this Fred said, ‘Are you guys done?’

The eldest crocodile said, ‘Yes! We are thankful to you. You think so much for us.’

He said, ‘Ahh! That was my duty. Visit the canal for sure.’

The crocodiles said, ‘We surely would.’

Saying this all the crocodiles went into the water.

As soon as they all went in, Fred ran towards the river and drank the water.

One of the crocodiles saw him and  shouted, ‘You cunning fox! You tricked us!’

Fred laughed hard and said, ‘Do you still think that strength is more important than intelligence?’